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  282. {#                                                <div class="text-end">#}
  283. {#                                                    <small class="text-danger">a few moments ago</small>#}
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  301. {#                                                <div class="text-end">#}
  302. {#                                                    <small class="text-danger">2 hrs ago</small>#}
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  318. {#                                                    <h4 class="h6 mb-0 text-small">Roberta Casas</h4>#}
  319. {#                                                </div>#}
  320. {#                                                <div class="text-end">#}
  321. {#                                                    <small>5 hrs ago</small>#}
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  336. {#                                                <div>#}
  337. {#                                                    <h4 class="h6 mb-0 text-small">Joseph Garth</h4>#}
  338. {#                                                </div>#}
  339. {#                                                <div class="text-end">#}
  340. {#                                                    <small>1 d ago</small>#}
  341. {#                                                </div>#}
  342. {#                                            </div>#}
  343. {#                                            <p class="font-small mt-1 mb-0">New message: "Hey, what's up? All set for the presentation?"</p>#}
  344. {#                                        </div>#}
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  346. {#                                </a>#}
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  356. {#                                                    <h4 class="h6 mb-0 text-small">Bonnie Green</h4>#}
  357. {#                                                </div>#}
  358. {#                                                <div class="text-end">#}
  359. {#                                                    <small>2 hrs ago</small>#}
  360. {#                                                </div>#}
  361. {#                                            </div>#}
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  363. {#                                        </div>#}
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  365. {#                                </a>#}
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